
Overtech Driver For Mac

68 rows  MODEL: Description: Drivers: Date: Manuals. USB Graphic Adapter. For UGA Series. Mac Driver Canon lide 120 Scanner Downloader. Canon CanoScan LiDE 120 Install Driver. To install Canon lide 120 Scanner software download Mac OS and Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 OS.

users who have made the move to os x from os 9 can find device drivers for their usb and firewire webcams as well as a number of 802.11b wireless cards at ioxperts. the company has released a number of device drivers for os x this year that allow users the continued use of the hardware they purchased to use with os 9. i recently downloaded the 802.11b driver for os x to use with an orinoco gold wireless card and it worked great. the usb webcam driver supports many webcams from logitech, philips, ame, and others. the firewire webcam driver supports cameras from irez, orange micro, ame, and others. ioxperts also offers a 802.11b and firewire webcam drivers for os 8 and 9.

user comments 78 comment(s)
Kodak dvc323 digital video camera driver for mac.

no more fp(7:42am est fri may 09 2003)
i thought with apples… you just plugged it in and it work… or that's what their commercials lead to beleive. by hmmmm
um…(7:55am est fri may 09 2003)
things still have to be supported dont they 8p… not made by apple and all that…

mac.dv cam…fw port…fcxp…plug n play mm nice… by macman

re: hmmmm(8:56am est fri may 09 2003)
good point. i have a friend with an apple computer. he spends just as much time getting drivers for that as he does for his windows computer.
the thing that apple does is they know exactly what their customers will buy and when (yes, apple customers are that predictable), so using that information they can include software that microsoft would get sued over, if microsoft attempted to include it with windows. it's a good plan by apple, but not perfect. by mike
mike…(9:43am est fri may 09 2003)
i also run both systems…

only driver i have had a problem was with logitech a while back and alcatel adsl. both of those are now sorted.

on the other hand i still can't get my pc to stop conflicting between my pc tv card and my wireless network card. ive now given up and took the tv card out…grrr…oh yeah and its running xp.

at least when you are missing a driver you know what is wrong :) by macman

mike…(10:09am est fri may 09 2003)
oklahoma tornado injures 105 no suspects
who wants to control sars and oil in iraq by tony
wtf(10:24am est fri may 09 2003)
quoting mike
“the thing that apple does is they know exactly what their customers will buy and when (yes, apple customers are that predictable), so using that information they can include software that microsoft would get sued over, if microsoft attempted to include it with windows.”

dude, what are you smoking? first of all, i don't know of any case against microsoft for including hardware drivers in the os. secondly, in the last 13 years i've hooked all kinds of crap to my macs (more than just a fricken joystick, juvenile) and rarely ever had a problem, especially back in the scsi days, everything worked on that. the only drivers i ever remember having to find were ones to drive a battery powered, portable inkjet. i've also had some difficulty getting $20 pos digital cameras to work, but that's not real surprising. remember a couple of years ago when your mommy was still feeding you and you didn't want to eat something, she always said you have to at least try it first. by macmurphy

re:mm(10:32am est fri may 09 2003)
> and you didn't want to eat something, she always said you have to at least try it first


i didn't think his obviously uninformed opinion even deserved a reply, but i'm right there with you with my mac experiences. Sql server 32 bit odbc driver for mac. reminds me of a repair facility i contacted in 1990 that was talking trash about macs and assurred me that they should know since they had “been working with macs for 10 years” -)
by turnip parrot

haha!(11:06am est fri may 09 2003)
quote: “reminds me of a repair facility i contacted in 1990 that was talking trash about macs and assurred me that they should know since they had “been working with macs for 10 years” -)”

that's a good one.macs came out in 1984!!!
by tao

who cares(11:12am est fri may 09 2003)
nobody uses macs except for the 1 percent idiots in the computing world. by biyatch
re: biyatch(11:18am est fri may 09 2003)
> nobody uses macs except for the 1
> percent idiots in the computing world.

exactly. sure. so, you can keep your idiot comments to those that respect your opinion, if there are any :-) by noobody

i use both mac and pc(11:22am est fri may 09 2003)
with almost any hardware i've added on a pc, be it pci, usb, fw even some mice, i've had to install a driver. and some times it doesn't install right the first time. even w/ xp. with my mac running os x, i've plugged in fw pci cards, external fw drives, 2-button-scroll-wheel mice and agp graphics cards and they worked w/o any additional software. i even have an old rio mp3 player that automatically works w/ itunes. the only thing i ever needed a driver for in os x was for my brother laser printer and to get a usb 2.0 pci card to run at 2.0 speed (ran at 1.1 w/o installing a driver though). as for my logitech quickcam vc, still unsuppoerted even w/ the ioxperts driver. but you know what, it was $20 and if i really need it, it works through classic, or i could boot into os 9.

and let's not forget about network connections. i can't tell you how easy it is to take my powerbook between home and work. when they say “zero configuration” they mean it.

and what about networking 2 computers together. if you want to connect 2 pcs via ethernet, you need to buy a cross-over cable. you can just use a regular old cat5 ethernet cable to link 2 macs (and you can still use the crossover if you want).

that being said, i don't think pcs are junk and i will admit that the high end pcs are faster than the high end macs. but i still prefer macs. they just work better imo. and wait until apple puts the ppc970 in them and there is no more speed gap. by chm

please help(11:45am est fri may 09 2003)
…. why is it that all discussions on windows/macs turn into war? people don't slate palm with “my ce is so much better than yours” or “you idiot, you bought a nokia – they suck”.

please help? its so boring to read. i declare all mac fans ignore every single flaming uninformed anti mac comment. it just wastes space for us to share useful tips…. by bored

Overtech Driver For Mac
similarly…(11:46am est fri may 09 2003)
…. why is it mac fans don't jump in every time a new intel chip is released and start slating it?

are we bigger than that?
are we quietly confident that we know the minority is actually in a better position? by i think so

re: i think so(11:52am est fri may 09 2003)
i think you kind of gave the reason for all the wars right there. maybe if you guys spent less time asserting your dominant inferiority complex and more on tips it'd be a more peaceful world and we'd all hold hands and sing bye-carumba around the campfire. by ziwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi
mac/pc wars(12:07pm est fri may 09 2003)
anyone who has spent a reasonable amount of time on a pc w/ a p3 or better running xp (or maybe 2000) and on any g4 mac (esp if it supports qe) running os x cannot rationally claim that either one sucks. so give it up. if you think that either sucks, you haven't spent enough time on it. give it a month or so.

if you're still using 95, 98, me on a pc or os 7,8,9 on a mac and you think they suck, you're probably right. by chm

wars(12:22pm est fri may 09 2003)
well said, chm.
by drs
hmmm not sure about that…(12:28pm est fri may 09 2003)
…. xp has a few problems. really a slow system. looks pretty i admit but just a flashier gui to the old. ok ok i am not an expert, but from the minimal home user's p.o.v.

by by

re: chm(12:30pm est fri may 09 2003)
i've done that and they both chew the bacon. trouble is one requires me to validate itself at every re-install but i can use almost any bit of hardware out there from a dot matrix printer to zoopy professional opengl graphics cards to, well, you get the point. i update it by service packs and pretty much ~97% of the software out there works for it.

the other i can uninstall and remove as i please, but requires me to use it on a very limited set of hardware, and periodically a point change in the os is released as a new operating system. it wasn't until recently you were even able to install more than one cd/dvd in a tower. by comparison not much software out there is available and usually has to go through a dealer for that line. (and yes i know about virtual pc but if you're going to bother….)

lastly is one works pretty well with driver support because of the limited hardware, as long as you stick with the choices. but the other has drivers for just about anything you'd care to use. who gives me more freedom? by ziwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi

what about(12:31pm est fri may 09 2003)
what about os x drivers for my creative jukebox nomad 3??? why'd they stop at the nomad 2? i am dieing here!!!
by givemedrivers
re: ziwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi(12:39pm est fri may 09 2003)
as usual, you defend your point well. i think you have underlined a point i've tried to make over and over again. they are both pretty good and neither without their faults. you may prefer one over the other without ridicule (there should be another amendment to the constitution about that) as long as you have legitimate reasons (i.e. resons besides “the other os sucks”). by chm
much more obscure hardware are supported on mac os x(12:40pm est fri may 09 2003)
recently i compiled and built some of the drivers for my linux box. checking the .configure file i find there are make options for bsd unix. on some device drivers i find there are make options now specifically for os x.
looks like windows is losing the device driver advantage to open source. i still have formerly working hardware with windows 98 and 2000 drivers but they don't work on windows xp. by *nix hardware better
comparing x and xp(12:40pm est fri may 09 2003)
for all you interested in a thorough comparison of each company's flagship os, check out . by danster
drivers/usb(12:53pm est fri may 09 2003)
look people the truth is that mac lacks in 3rd party hardware (period!!!!)u can get anything on a pc. sometimes u can't get a god dam driver for months. example i have hp psc 2100 printer and i had 2 wait for 2 months for th sh#*…. to work on jaguar! apple is to blame because of these updates with names (aqua, panhter, jag etc.). i hope when panther comes out it doesnt mess things up. also am a comp graphic designer/web/music producer and i had bought a aiptek tablet and only works on os 9 but it works for xp.that sucks i had to buy the bulky wacom just to get inkwell running. so let me tell u mac is not just plug and play only for certain things, u got dam ame… i have a dual 2.4 and a dell 3ghz and they both suck on hardware(speed). all i have to say that's good is that mac os x is rock solid as a os and xp suck's 2000 is better than xp. but they r slow. i know am running apps like maya and lightwave, reason, and so on.all that mac has that is better is the os and thats it. by mac addict
re: ziwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi (12:54pm est fri may 09 2003)
“lastly is one works pretty well with driver support because of the limited hardware, as long as you stick with the choices. but the other has drivers for just about anything you'd care to use. who gives me more freedom? “
open source give you more freedom. since mac os x is bsd unix. *nix runs on more hardware and can much more driver selections than any windows. windows does not give you any tools to make your own drivers. by *nix hardware better

Canon Printer Driver For Mac

re: mac addict(1:00pm est fri may 09 2003)
hp 2100 printer supported on open source.

by *nix hardware better

chm(1:02pm est fri may 09 2003)
i agree with your last statement, as well, chm. it seems quite rational.

perhaps you might want to look at the “discussion” that has been ongoing between myself and “macjedi” in the other thread (the one with the emacs). it is surprising the amount of difference between you and him.

by drs

drs(1:11pm est fri may 09 2003)
i've been avoiding that thread like . . .sars? when i checked out geek.com yesterday morning, there were already like 40 comments. i got through 3 of them i think and decided to just keep away. maybe i'll check it out though. by chm
chm(1:24pm est fri may 09 2003)
sars? i am talking about this thread here:

towards the bottom, especially. and believe me, i can understand one not wanting to get involved! :)
by drs

re: *nix hardware better(1:35pm est fri may 09 2003)
one of the luxuries i appreciate is not having to write my own code for everything. yes, you can write it if you want, but being able to use something where someone else has already gone through the trouble of testing and refining it is pretty good. besides, as i've pointed out several times, if i have the urge or need to go open source linux on an x86 box is a much better deal imho. by ziwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi
hm quantity…(1:46pm est fri may 09 2003)
quantity does not equal quality… by macman
xp and os x(1:50pm est fri may 09 2003)
i've been supporting pc's since 1986. (remember ibm microchannel!) anyway, xp and os x were written with a different goal. xp was written to support legacy equipment and because of that you still have some legacy problems. however, xp is ms's finest os to date. i use it every day. os x, was written to not support old legacy equipment. sure you have classic on your system, but its just a shell running on os x. two dif. thought patterns, both absolutely legit. i just bought my first mac for home. it's wonderful. i use both because they both have their strong points. my mac blows away my pc with vid and music, however, i still use the pc everyday for my finances, e-mail, basic word processing and it runs my network firewall. both are just expensive “wrenches”. use the right tool for the job. by redhound
drs(2:05pm est fri may 09 2003)
“sars? i am talking about this thread here:”

i know what you're talking about. i said i was avoiding it like the plague, but used sars instead in a weak attampt at inapropriate humor.

anyways, i did check out that thread. and got probably half way through it and decided that i still don't want to get involved. ok, i'll check out the bottom.
by chm

chm(2:28pm est fri may 09 2003)
heehee…. sorry 'bout the misunderstanding. :)

alls well.

by drs

rerererere(2:29pm est fri may 09 2003)

worked great.

wow, you downloaded a driver that was 802.1 lbs? i'm no expert, but i image that is pretty heavy for a driver.
by crevin

re: ziwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi(11:54pm est fri may 09 2003)
“besides, as i've pointed out several times, if i have the urge or need to go open source linux on an x86 box is a much better deal imho.”
i have downloaded and ran open source on solaris. not a big deal. even better deal since some of the open source on solaris is already in pkgadd format. i assume it is not such a big deal on mac os x too. by *nix hardware better

Download Brother Driver For Mac

re: givemedrivers(12:14am est sat may 10 2003)
“what about os x drivers for my creative jukebox nomad 3??? why'd they stop at the nomad 2? i am dieing here!!!”
try open source on bsd unix (mac os x)
by *nix hardware better
pc uses(3:59pm est sat may 10 2003)
redhound, you mention that you use your pc for e-mail, basic word processing, finances, and running your firewall.

if those are the only major uses for your pc, than what purpose does it actually serve? you use the analogy that they're just expensive tools each eith different jobs, but your mac is a swiss army knife with tools for “e-mail, basic word processing, finanaces, and running a firewall” too. does your pc really serve a function that your mac couldn't do (i would argue your mac could do them better, but let's keep it simple). by dak

dak(8:51pm est sat may 10 2003)
“(i would argue your mac could do them better, but let's keep it simple). “

that's right, baby steps. baby steps.

keep fightin the good fight. by chm

apple going down in quality and service(5:02pm est sun may 11 2003)
holy moly! a dedicated mac faithfull website finally telling the truth about apple and it's “user experience!”

now the real truth comes out from an experienced apple user, one who has built his business with apples and had a dedicated website for mac users.

boy oh boy do i feel sorry for you mac folks!

by markus naslund

agreeing with you!(5:06pm est sun may 11 2003)
yep… i totally agree with you.

apple is overpriced, overhyped and outdated. by willie mitchell

drivers?(2:00am est mon may 12 2003)
what gives? i thaught the topic for discussion was mac os x device drivers. obviously not. here's the thing…the majority of the world is made up of idiots. geniuses are a small minority of the population. hence the need for us to use macs.

my dick is bigger
by tool

if you don't like ______.don't buy a mac(3:42am est mon may 12 2003)
1) computers that don't crash/lock-up/freeze-frequently
2) computers that don't spy on me & report to m$
3) computers with real resale value
4) computers that have a long useful life
5) a computer you can give a kid or an inexperienced adult, and be sure it will be used without hours of setup/support by you
6) a computer that is not highly vulnerable to every virus that comes down the line.
7) a computer that is designed for people who are not/do not want to be techno-nerds
8) a computer for those of us who want more than a glorified office machine. i play games on a ps2, my computer is for more impportant things. like home recording studio/photographic/video work.
9) a computer whose interface does not look like a refugee from the cartoon network.
10) a computer unlike the one that sits in the center aisle of every wal-mart/target/k-mart in the universe.
think different! by adam smith
we'll be back in a couple minutes, folks stick around!(7:19pm est mon may 12 2003)
this segment of geek.com has been brought to you by “troll romper room air freshner”….

troll romper room air freshner – for when your romper room starts smelling like pc fanboys with poor personal hygeine…
by voiceovergeek

definitely switching back(9:10pm est mon may 12 2003)
that's right folks, the diehard loyal mac folks have no comback from that macnet website

awwww! the sh_t has hit the fan because a real life, longtime mac user has finally told it like it really is in macland!

poor mac folks, no comeback now that the truth about how crappy macs are being exposed! by max really sux

yeah uh(9:45pm est mon may 12 2003)
that dude cracked his own powerbook screen and he's being a baby about it.
by get a clue, n00b
in other news(10:03pm est mon may 12 2003)
microsoft claims the iloo was nothing but an april fool's joke.

that they saw fit to release on may 2nd….

umm… suuuure guys. just like that “switch to winblows” page, eh?
by reuters newswire

yeah uh(10:33pm est mon may 12 2003)
“that dude cracked his own powerbook screen and he's being a baby about it.”

alrighty then, he even video taped and showed his delivery repair from apple all on those other links above…

just to show you that his powerbook wasn't damaged by him but by apple and they will not take responsibility for for it!

that's right noob, bend over for steve jobs some more by max really sux

part 2(10:35pm est mon may 12 2003)
again if you've read the entire post and those other links, it's not just his powerbook that's a bust but the entire “crapple” experience by mrs
part 3(11:29pm est mon may 12 2003)
oh for shame…apple has been exposed? i guess exposing m$'s sh*tty customer service and poor technical support would be impossible…its common knowledge.

my dick is bigger by tool

part 4(11:47pm est mon may 12 2003)
no one on the pc camp deny's microsoft's problems but this is to show you that your beloved apple is not picture perfect. it's just as bad if not worse considering how it treats its most loyal “mac” customers.

yep, apple — overpriced, overhyped and outdated. by mrs

part 5 (unreleased)(6:36pm est tue may 13 2003)
this is the part where mrs admits that links to the inflammatory typings of a guy who's clearly upset and venting on a personal level, isn't exactly the best way to get his point across. by crunch
part 6 (reprise)(10:14pm est tue may 13 2003)
this is the part where he admits he faked the entire thing to get hits on his website.
by mrs = teh ghey
teh ghey(11:35pm est tue may 13 2003)
that's right, he fakes it to get more hits yet his website is all pro mac…
whatever! get a grip because he is just telling the truth and you mac folks can accept it…

typical blinded mac people only wanting to hear want they want to hear “apple is great, apple is god, apple is the source of life!” by mrs's twin brother

Overtech Driver For Mac
part 7(10:55am est thu may 15 2003)
when some nonce tries to dismiss those who see rants for what they are as being blinded, loyal, fanatic, etc. etc. etc. when in fact it's their misguided blindness that compelled them to post here in the first place. by every single time…
all i gotta say is…(11:23pm est sat may 24 2003)

the infinite battle wages on.

reading this thread has actually reminded me of the reasons why i no longer bother with threads like this. by somebody

huh?(5:14pm est thu jun 19 2003)
i have got to wonder why the hell anyone cares what kind of computer someone else uses. by smith
aiptek driver(10:13am est tue sep 16 2003)
i created a petition to urge aiptek to make a os x driver for their tablet.

by ragnar

aiptek driver(7:02am est sat oct 04 2003)
hi guys it is moving forward.
now you will be able to use your aiptek trust and lifetec tablets.

aiptek has released a beta
and register and download their driver it works like a charm.
(hyperpen_osx_v151) by ragnar

help me please!!!(1:26am est sat apr 10 2004)
i have a new roommate with a apple mac running os x. i am myself a windows user and do not know much about macs. but i am willing to learn.

my problem, is that i have a linksyswireless usb network adaptor model # wusb11 ver. 2.5 that i would like to connect to my roommate's mac so i can get it out of my office and into his room. i have checked with linksys and they do not make a mac driver for this unit.

i am wondering if anyone knows of a compatible mac driver for this unit, so i can install it and the device on my roommate's mac and put them both in his office with out having to run a 100' cat5 cable to do so.

if you know of such a driver, please email me at redwolf@redwolf.ca with a link i can download the driver from.

george james
windows geek & mac os newbe by george james

ditto(12:12am est sun jun 27 2004)
i just bought a used mac g3 laptop for a student in the family. no wireless? no pc card slots? the only usb wireless device i have is this linksys wusb11. as i understand it, os x is just a souped up bsd, so forget about the wireless unless you want to buy another device. this thing never worked on bsd, or linux. it's pretty much windows only. it's not a big problem for me, as i'm handing it over in september, and the girl i'm giving it to only has dial-up.

apart from the lack of pcmcia slots, my only complaint would be the keyboard. it's a bit mushy, otherwise it's a beautiful little machine.

i do have one non-driver question: i know enough to eject cds by dragging them onto the trash. but how do i open the empty cd-rom without a paperclip? am i missing something obvious? by chris

ejecting empty cd roms on mac(5:02pm est mon aug 16 2004)
press the f12 key by re: ditto
powerbook cd(8:28pm est mon oct 25 2004)
depending on the model there should be either a button on the side of drive or a key on the top right hand side of the keyboard. (above the delete key, next to the f12 key)

yeah, the wusb11 will not work with the macos (sux) i have one that i use with my tivo but it doesn't work with macosx but i have used it with a cryptic linux driver on my powerbook still though, it's extremely limiting!! by dude

wusb11 adapter with macos(8:40pm est mon oct 25 2004)
looks like someone got it working, check this out…

by dude

wacom 1212ud tablet in osx(8:27pm est sat nov 20 2004)
i want to use this in x10.36

those das will not update the driver…
they want you to buy a new one of course….
i have a kespan adapter …now what?? by vman

rage 128 in osx(8:30pm est sat nov 20 2004)
runnin 2 monitors….
g5 dual 2g
the 128 card only gives me
256colors 640×800 bw

whatzup with that?
need a patch? help please


by vman

liinksys wusb11(8:10am est wed dec 29 2004)
ok, so the wusb11 works with the imac, if you hook up a pc to the ethernet port. still haven't found a way to use the stupid thing on the mac! by mike
where to start(6:43pm est wed dec 29 2004)
if it doesnt work on a mac its not worth using. get out of the slum – 99 percent of people drive, live, eat, and talk shit – the other one percent of us get 99 percent of the work done on our macs – and as always the pc user has never owned a mac so his/her opinion is what “shit” if you dont have it – dont trash it, meanwhile the rest of us will heap our $400 dellwindowz crap in the corner and pull it out next time me want to laugh at the latest exe email virus file. by lincoln
trust 400-v2 wireless tablet driver for mac os x (11:53am est wed jan 12 2005)
hi there! i buyed a trust 400-v2 wireless tablet on the internet the problem is that they don´t specify that it is for windows only! any clue to get a driver for the mac os x? by pepper
bit tornado for os x(2:39pm est tue feb 15 2005)
does anybody know how to install bit torent programs for mac? it seems like it should be very easy but it hurts.

please help by bingobaker

evolution(6:40pm est thu feb 24 2005)
well if its one thing that evolution has taught us it is that the big fish eat the little fish. these agressive unrelenting comments are not fueled by the who has the better computer. simply put, where the big fish and little fish cannot see each other in 3 dimensions, neither fish will back down. this argument spirals into a circle that is equal to 3.14, i call this the “pi” factor. it can be found on any forum post in any internet website and in any chatroom. if you ask me… bill gates and steve jobbs are both laughing their way to the banks with our money… or skipping arm in arm, like in “the wizard of oz.” if we all just invested this much verbal energy in yelling at microsoft and apple – we may not have to piss away thousands of dollars on computers that barely do what we were told they were capable of. thats just my opinion. by some mac and pc user
addition(6:50pm est thu feb 24 2005)
i forgot to add that arguing over whether mac or pcs are better is like arguing over who is the better enterprise captain, kirk or piccard (and if you try to correct me on the spelling of piccard i will smash your glasses and stuff you in a locker) by mac and pc user
enterprise(9:32am est tue mar 29 2005)
it comes from “le picard”, a man from picardie. so it is spelled picard and he is much a better captain than kirk.
by hehehe

Ntfs Driver For Mac

drivers for mac or window(11:15am est thu may 05 2005)
why do most of you continue to blame apple and microsoft to provide you with drivers for your hp printers and driver especially since they don't manufacture them. if you are going to blame os manufactures because they don't have the drivers for what you have, then i suggest getting out your typewriter and paper again. just because there is a new os doesn't mean that you upgrade without checking to see if it will be compatible with what you have. look to your manufacture and see if/when they will support the os. it may take a couple of months for drivers to come out because the manufacture is writing drivers. they may decide not to support legacy or old hardware because they just don't want to. i run both mac and pc and i have found nothing but benefits from both. when i go to visit my family, i bring my ibook since any digital camera the family has, i can connect it without any drivers get the pictures, burn them to cd so everybody has a set. i keep a pc around because i need something for work and we all run windows here, plus for certification tests and my online gaming. i don't expect microsoft or apple to provide me with drivers unless the manufactured it. if that was the case, then tell me why you couldn't just plug the ipod into a pc when they first came out? shouldn't have just been a driver issue? shouldn't have microsoft created a driver for it? but that would be called reverse engineering to do that and ofcourse, that is just illegal. by macpc
installing bittornado on macosx?(8:41am est fri dec 09 2005)
i don t know to install bittornado on mac.
can someone help me please?
i already have python installed. by ivan k
mac os x driver(8:16pm est wed feb 01 2006)
good thing i didn't really need to find a driver so that i could get my usb camera would work……….

it would have been a waste of time since everyone here seems to ignore the fact that the heading of this page is 'mac os x device drivers' and not 'the processor wars' or 'who was that bloomin' idiot?'
the truth of the matter is that there is no convincing the 'bloomin' idiot' that his ignorance and stupidity is not needed on this page or any other page on the web where truth, honesty, and common sense are expected.
by the way, the comments field on the page at has anything, and that is the page that shows, as boc so aptly replied ” your expectations are unreasonable and your reactions to this situation show you to be a narcissistic and deluded individual.”

i've been in puters since the days of the asr-33 being used to punch tapes to feed card punches so the cards could be fed into readers to program the machines. i remember when the first washing machine sized 5 mb hard drives came out. and i have never read such a piece of snivelling drivel as that guys page and his subsequent posturings.

you can get a pc as good as a mac, if you want to spend 1500 for a video card that will do what my dual 450 cpus puters ati rage 128 pro w/16mb of memory will do, and if you want to spend an additional 10 to 1500 on software to handle what os x 10.4.4 and its associated apps can do. but then to preserve the machine and make it last as long as this circa 2000 machine, you will need to package it in a hermetically sealed package, only to be opened in 2011.
as far as keeping your xp os running as fast as it did the first time you ran it, you must not connect it to a network of any kind, nor can you install any program other than what comes on the xp disc, nor can you use any driver other than what was installed when you first installed xp. above all, keep your hands off of the keyboard and mouse at all times!
fortunately for mac users they do not have this problem. let's not forget that when they install an app, they pop in the disc or discs, tell it to go, put in their password if they protected their machine, and sit back watching the counter for the number of items count down to zero, tell the machine to restart, and then work away without the worries of the pc clan. that's why i switched to the mac after what seemed like an eternity of frustration and will never go back to a winslow machine again.
oh, yeah, i forgot to mention that yes, i am one of those geeky types that chose not to be the geek that joined mensa, that chose physical labor type jobs over the think tank positions that my peers chose. i am one of the worlds great idiots that thinks applying common sense to decisions is a given, unlike the whiner that thinks everyone else should pay for his inept stupidity! by sgt_bubba

trust 400-v2 tablet – macs?(10:17am est mon mar 20 2006)
there is a post from 'pepper' about the trust 400-v2 wireless tablet. i too have just bought one and having the same problem.

my operating system – mac 10.2.8 – i think i need to run it through classic but still having problems and can't seem to get it to work.

any ideas or help would be really appreciated.
thanks elizabeth by eliz

wusb11 mac os(8:56am est fri may 05 2006)
does anyone know of any drivers for the linksys wusb11 version 2.8 for mac os?
if you do, could you please email me and tell me about it? thanks by ryan

Epson Driver For Mac

hmm.ignorant perhaps?(7:54pm est sun jul 16 2006)
“who cares (11:12am est fri may 09 2003)
nobody uses macs except for the 1 percent idiots in the computing world. – by biyatch” if you didn't know almost all tv shows are edited on macs and a lot of music is edited on macs, so stfu bitch. oh yeah.and windoze sucks by slartibartfast